Ruby/NArray ver (2013-02-01) by Masahiro TANAKA Class method:, size, ...) create new NArray. initialize with 0. NArray.byte(size,...) 1 byte unsigned integer NArray.sint(size,...) 2 byte signed integer,...) 4 byte signed integer NArray.sfloat(size,...) single precision float NArray.float(size,...) double precision float NArray.scomplex(size,...) single precision complex NArray.complex(size,...) double precision complex NArray.object(size,...) Ruby object all above method initialize with 0 or nil. NArray.to_na(array) convert to NArray NArray.to_na(string,type[,size,...]) NArray[...] NArray[1,5,10.0] #=> NArray.float(3):[1.0, 5.0, 10.0] NArray[1..10] #=>[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] Class constant: CLASS_DIMENSION # of dimension treated as data. 0 for NArray, 1 for NVector, 2 for NMatrix. NArray information self.dim Return the dimension = the number of indices self.rank same as dim self.shape Return the array of sizes of each index Return the number of total elements Slicing Array - Index components: Integer, Range, Array, true. - Index order: FORTRAN type. a[ 1, 2, -1 ] element slicing. If negative, counts backward from the end. Element-dimensions are contracted. a[ 0..3, 4..1 ] extract in the range. If the former of the range is bigger, return elements in reversed order. a[ [1,3,2,4] ] an array with the elements of the indices. If `a' has multi-dimension but, in [], single index is specified, `a' is treated as a single dimension array. a[ 1, 2..3, [1,3,2,4], true ] compound index. This returns 3-dim array. a[] same as a.dup. a[ 0, true ] sams as a[0,0..-1]. `true' means all. a[ false, 0 ] same as a[true,true,0], if a is a 3-d array, `false' means ellipsis dimension. a[ mask ] masking. "mask" is a byte NArray with its length equal to that of "a". According to the value of each element of mask, the corresponding element in "a" is eliminated (when 0) or retained (when not 0). Example: a=NArray.float(2,2).indgen! p a[ 3 ] --> [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 ] (Here, 3 gives a byte NArray) (This is also done by a[ ( 3).where ]) - A 2-or-more-dim array object with only one argument in `[ ]', is treated as a flat 1-d array. e.g.: a[3] is same as a[0,1] if a is 3x3 array. - self.slice(...) Same as self[...] but keeps the rank of original array by not elimiting dimensions whose length became equal to 1 (which self[] does). This is not the case with the 1-dimensional indexing and masking (same as []). Replacing Elements -- Same rule as slicing a[ 1, 2, 3 ] = 1 a[ 0..3, 1..4, 2..5 ] = 2 a[ [1,3,2,4], true ] = 3 a[] = 4 Same as a.fill!(4) a[0..2] = b[1..5] --> Error! due to different num of elements. a[1,2] = b[0..2,1..3] Storing elements from index [1,2] ( a[1,2]=b[0,1],a[2,2]=b[1,1],... ) a[0..2,0..3] = b[0..2,1] Storing repetitively ( a[0,0]=b[0,1],..,a[0,3]=b[0,1] ) Delete row/columns -- Complement of slice self.delete_at(...) Arguments are the same as the [] and slice methods see Filling values self.indgen!([start[,step]]) Generate index; Set values from 'start' with 'step' increment self.fill!(value) Fill elements with 'value' self.random!(max) Set random values between 0<=x NArray.float(3,3) a = NArray.float(3,1).indgen b = NArray.float(1,3).fill(10) c = a*b # --> NArray.float(3,3) -- size=1 dimension is extensible. Arithmetic operator -self self + other self - other self * other self / other self % other self ** other self.abs self.add! other self.sbt! other self.mul! other self.div! other self.mod! other Bitwise operator (only for integers) ~self self & other self | other self ^ other Comparison -- element-wise comparison, results in BYTE-type NArray; Note that not true nor false is returned. self.eq other (distinguish from == operator; see below ) other other self > other other self >= other other self < other self.le other self <= other self.and other element-wise condition. self.or other self.xor other self.not other self.all? true if all the elements are true. self.any? true if any element is true. self.none? true if none of the element is true. self.where Return NArray of indices where elements are true. self.where2 Return Array including two NArrays of indices, where elements are true and false, respectively. e.g.: idx_t,idx_f = (a>12).where2 Equivalence NArray[1] == NArray[1] #=> true NArray[1] == NArray[1.0] #=> true NArray[1].eql? NArray[1] #=> true NArray[1].eql? NArray[1.0] #=> false NArray[1].equal? NArray[1] #=> false a=b=NArray[1]; a.equal? b #=> true Statistics self.sum(dim,..) Summation self.cumsum Cumulative Summation (for 1-d array),..) Product (Multiply elements) self.cumprod Cumulative Produce (for 1-d array) self.mean(dim,..) Mean self.stddev(dim,..) Standard deviation self.rms(dim,..) Root mean square self.rmsdev(dim,..) Root mean square deviation self.min(dim,..) Minimum self.max(dim,..) Maximum note: * If dimensions are specified, statistics are performed on those dimensions and the rest dimensions are kept. * Range can be used. * If dimension is not specified, statistics are performed for all the elements. self.median(dim) Median in 0..dim (All dimensions if omitted) Sort self.sort(dim) Sort in 0..dim (All dimensions if omitted) self.sort_index(dim) Return index of Sort result. self[self.sort_index] equals to self.sort. Transpose self.transpose( dim0, dim1, .. ) Transpose array. The dim0-th dimension goes to the 0-th dimension of new array. Negative number counts backward. transpose(-1,1..-2,0) is replacement between the first and the last. Changing Shapes of indices self.reshape!(size,...) self.shape=(size,...) self.newdim=(dim) Insert new dimension with size=1 Reference to another NArray self.refer create NArray obj referring to another NArray self.reshape(size,...) same as self.refer.reshape! self.newdim(dim,...) same as self.refer.newdim! Reverse and Rotate self.reverse([dim,...]) Reverse array at axes self.rot90([k]) Rotate array by 90 degrees k times Type conversion self.floor Return integer NArray whose elements processed 'floor' self.ceil self.round self.to_f Convert NArray type to float self.to_i Convert NArray type to integer self.to_a Convert NArray type to Ruby-object self.to_s Convert NArray data to String as a binary data. self.to_string Convert NArray type to Ruby-object containing Strings as printed elements Iteration self.each {|i| ...} self.collect {|i| ...} self.collect! {|i| ...} Byte swap self.swap_byte swap byte order self.hton convert to network byte order self.ntoh self.htov convert to VAX byte order self.vtoh Boolean / mask related self.count_false count # of elements whose value == 0 (only for byte type) self.count_true count # of elements whose value != 0 (only for byte type) self.mask( mask ) same as self[ mask ], but exclusively for masking. Unlike [], a int or sint mask is accepted. Complex compound number self.real self.imag self.conj self.conj! self.angle atan2(self.imag, self.real) self.imag= other set imaginary part multiply by imaginary unit NMath module sqrt(x) exp(x) log(x) log10(x) log2(x) atan2(x,y) sin,cos,tan sinh,cosh,tanh asin,acos,atan asinh,acosh,atanh csc,sec,cot csch,sech,coth acsc,asec,acot acsch,asech,acoth covariance (no idea why NMath::covariance doesn't work) FFTW module (separate module) fftw(x,[1|-1]) convol(a,b) convolution with FFTW NMatrix Subclass of NArray. First 2 dimensions are used as Matrix. Residual dimensions are treated as Multi-dimensional array. The order of Matrix dimensions is opposite from the notation of mathematics: a_ij => a[j,i] Methods: +,- enable if other is NMatrix. * Matrix product if other is NMatrix or NVector. Scalar product if other is Numeric or NArray. ex: NMatrix[[1,2],[3,4]] * [1,10] == NMatrix[ [[1,2],[3,4]], [[10,20],[30,40]] ] / Scalar division if other is Numeric or NArray. Solve Linear Equation with LU factorization if other is square NMatrix. a/b == transpose transpose Matrix dimensions if argument omitted. diagonal(val) diagonal!(val) set val to diagonal elements. (set 1 if omitted) unit set 1 to diagonal elements. inverse Inverse matrix. lu compute LU factorization. return NMatrixLU class object. NVector Subclass of NArray. First 1 dimension is used as Vector. Residual dimensions are treated as Multi-dimensional array. Methods: +,- enable if other is NVector. * Matrix product if other is NMatrix. Inner product if other is NVector. Scalar product if other is Numeric or NArray. / Scalar division if other is Numeric or NArray. Solve Linear Equation with LU factorization if other is square NMatrix. v/m == NMatrixLU Created by NMatrix#lu method. Including LU (NMatrix) and pivot (NVector). Methods: solve(other) Solve with the result of LU factorization. other should be NMatrix or NVector instance.